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电话: 13220206224
姓名: susan

  The company mainly produces all kinds of specified sapphire optical window, sapphire discs, sapphire LED substrates, sapphire lens, sapphire prisms, sapphire & ruby ball, sapphire rods, sapphire laser sticks, and special sapphire components and so on. The product is mainly applied in mechanical instrumentation, optical instrument, medical hairdressing apparatus, teaching and scientific research instrument, semiconductor, laser technology, military and aerospace high-tech areas, etc; products are

主要产品/业务: sapphire optical window, sapphire discs, sapphire LED substrates, sapphire lens, sapphire prisms, sapphire & ruby ball, sapphire rods, sapphire laser sticks, and special sapphire components and so on.

重庆蜀州科技有限公司 / 重庆 / 重庆市北碚区歇马镇 (400117) / 电话:13220206224


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